I just want to take this opportunity to thank God for this very moment.  A moment I had never quite anticipated, imagined or planned for in my life, but here I am penning these thank you and welcome remarks on these pages and being grateful for every experience, every challenge, and every single moment that led to this exact period in my life, more especially the last few months.

As you may have read in my Bio I have been guided to share my spiritual transformation journey on this blog. The intention is to share my personal story leading to this point and beyond. I say ‘and beyond’ because no one is ever really done growing and expanding, even beyond the vail of life we continue to morph into the greatest versions of the grandest visions we hold about who and what we could become next. It is our “Soul purpose” to do so.

Now, I don’t know exactly with precision what the greater intention of the Universe is, as far as my story is concerned but I know the power of sharing our own stories as I have personally benefitted immensely from other people’s journeys and their personal stories. So welcome to my blog and enjoy the ride.

Sending you Love and Light